Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo

Ranking of Kaishun massage parlors in Gotanda

1st. Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo: High-grade outcall, Kaishun, sensuous massage parlor

Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo

The 1st place in the ranking of Kaishun esthetic salons in Gotanda, is Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo, offering outcall massage.
A key to popularity is top-notch masseuses.
All masseuses are unbelievably beautiful and voluptous, and also, massage, including normal, Kaishun, and sensuous is high-quality.
Above all, it is one of special attractiveness of Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo that the staff are good at serving customers.
This is a really good parlor, making us "All Fuzoku shops must be like this salon!".

■Official website of Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo

2nd. Okashi na Esthe Gotanda

Okashi na Esthe Gotanda

"Okashi na Esthe Gotanda" is ranked the 2nd place.
This salon's normal service includes "ear cleaning" and "facial massage", and it may be one factor in its big popularity.

3rd. Gotanda Fuzoku Men's Esthe: Imagine Tokyo

Gotanda Fuzoku Men's Esthe: Imagine Tokyo

Imagine Tokyo is outstandingly stylish popular Fuzoku esthetic salon in Gotanda.
Estheticians' fascinating costumes are very good.

4th. Gotanda Kaishun Esthe 39

Gotanda Kaishun Esthe 39

This salon is popular in Gotanda, a fiercely competitive area, because of a low price of session, 10,000 yen per 60 min.
In spite of the price, massage and looks of estheticians are high-quality.

5th. Gotanda-hatsu no Kaishun Esthe [Meguri-ai]

Gotanda-hatsu no Kaishun Esthe Meguri-ai

We can be emotionally healed by the Japanese-style website.
It is a good point for this salon that you can use this salon from a wider area.

6th. Oshioki Esthe Gotanda-ten

Oshioki Esthe Gotanda-ten

Nowadays, the Fuzoku esthetics industry is taking on an aspect of an oversupply, because of increasing needs.
In the situation, novel services of "Oshioki Esthe" (Spanking Esthetics) enjoys tumultuous popularity.
How novel it is, check with your eyes, and your body.
You may be captivated by "Oshioki" (spanking).

7th. Gotanda Kaishun Esthe [Melrose]

Gotanda Kaishun Esthe Melrose

Many splendid, cheerful, adorable therapists are employed by this salon.
These therapists become lascivious and daring, when the times comes to do Kaishun massage, making you feel blissful sexual sensations.

8th. Gotanda-hatsu no Seikan Kaishun Esthe [SweetRose]

Gotanda-hatsu no Seikan Kaishun Esthe SweetRose

A strong point of SweetRose is, definitely, completely naked masseuses.
If you are going to receive bodo-to-body massage, you should choose salons where masseuses are naked!

9th. Gotanda Urban Hills (Seikan & Kaishun Esthe)

Gotanda Urban Hills

Extremely fashionable Fuzoku esthetic salon "Gotanda Urban Hills" is ranked the 9th.
Its selling point is cutting public hair.
Beautiful therapists cut and care your public hair for free.

10th. Kaishun Aroma Esthe: Men's Esthe Gotanda

Kaishun Aroma Esthe

"Kaishun Aroma Esthe: Men's Esthe Gotanda" is loved by many Fuzoku fans in Gotanda, a fiercely competitive area.
It goes without saying that looks and skills at sensuous massage of masseuses are very good, and moreover, this salon offers its original attractive service "Stretch Course".

11th. Gotanda E-BODY Bijo Senmon Men's Esthe + Ero

Gotanda E-BODY Bijo Senmon Men's Esthe + Ero

E-BODY employs only beautiful ladies, but their prices are surprisingly low. This is the reason why E-BODY is popular in Gotanda.
Though the prices are low, looks of therapists and qualities of Kaishun massage are high.
You can use an Enemagra option for free. For those whose prostates are erogenous zones, E-BODY is the best salon in the world.

12th. Gotanda Kaishun Seikan Massage Club

Gotanda Kaishun Seikan Massage Club

This is an outcall massage parlor of "Kaishun Group", a nationwide Fuzoku esthethics group.
All masseuses' looks are high-quality, and so are skills at sensuous massage.
At this salon, by paying an additional fee, you can receive massage from popular masseuses.
You can flexibly use this salon, like call from house or hotel, or make an appointment to meet before going to hotel, and so on.

13th. Gotanda Kaishun Aroma Salon HERO'S

Gotanda Kaishun Aroma Salon HERO'S

Estheticians of HERO'S are wearing clothes, but that is fascinating.
Only in HERO'S, you can receive massage while watching cleavages and panties of really beautiful estheticians.

14th. Hybrid Massage Gotanda Honten

Hybrid Massage Gotanda Honten

Salon's name shows that this salon is not a simple Fuzoku esthtetic salon.
This salon is innovative, for it offers "Thorough fashion-health service" as well as "Sensuous aroma massage".
I recommend this salon to those thinking like "I love Fuzoku esthetics, but I can't be sexually satisfied...".
Of course, estheticians and skills at Kaishun and sensuous massage are good-quality.

15th. Gotanda Hajimete no Esthe

Gotanda Hajimete no Esthe

I recommend "Gotanda Hajimete no Esthe" for beginners in Fuzoku esthetics.
Many therapists inexperienced to the Fuzoku belong to this salon, so it is highly recommended.

[PR] Erotic esthetic salon (Kaishun, sensual esthetics, and outcall massage) offering supreme relaxation and arousal
Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo
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